What should be the size of an NFC antenna given an operating distance?

I am dealing with a project about a PCB with NFC antenna. We are designing PCB now. Do anyone know about the size of an NFC antenna if we want it operate in 10 centimeters?

NFC Type 4 can operate within a distance of 10 centimeters. NFC, which is compatible with ISO 15693 that is capable of  NFC phones, can operate within a distance of 100 centimeters.    

The size of an NFC antenna is related to

  • The antenna size at the tag.
  • The size of the antenna at the NFC reader.

Read More: Telecom

#PCB Design

Picture of Oliver Smith

Oliver Smith

Oliver is an experienced electronics engineer skilled in PCB design, analog circuits, embedded systems, and prototyping. His deep knowledge spans schematic capture, firmware coding, simulation, layout, testing, and troubleshooting. Oliver excels at taking projects from concept to mass production using his electrical design talents and mechanical aptitude.
Picture of Oliver Smith

Oliver Smith

Oliver is an experienced electronics engineer skilled in PCB design, analog circuits, embedded systems, and prototyping. His deep knowledge spans schematic capture, firmware coding, simulation, layout, testing, and troubleshooting. Oliver excels at taking projects from concept to mass production using his electrical design talents and mechanical aptitude.

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