Do you want a safe and suitable LED PCB system of lighting? Are you looking for a cheap and modern lighting system for your projects? If yes, keep reading this entire article.
Nowadays, LEDs are playing an extremely important role to resolve energy crises in the entire world. They are the best and low-cost energy solution for lighting. There are numerous gigantic companies spending a lot of money on LED equipment to make this technology cost-effective and efficient as well. China is a leading country in LED PCB. So basically, LED technology has transformed the whole way of lighting by providing high efficiency and low power consumption.
In this detailed guide, we will cover everything related to LED PCB such as types of LED Printed Circuit Board, applications of LED Printed Circuit Board, the material used for LED Printed Circuit Board, where to buy LED Printed Circuit Board, etc.
What is the LED PCB?
The evolution of printed circuit board technology has laid the foundation for different exciting innovations. The most prominent example is to develop an LED PCB Board.
LED stands for Light Emitting Diodes. These diodes emit rays of light after passing electric current from these diodes.
LEDs are attached to the PCBs by utilizing the soldering process and emit light when electrically connected. So basically, the LED circuit board plays a key role to save electric power and lengthen the life of LEDs. The LED PCB acts as a heat sink and a landing surface.
Types of LED PCB
There are different types of LED PCBs. LED PCB Board types to vary on the basis of manufacturing specifications, type of material and usage. Here are the most popular types of LED PCBs including:
Flexible LED PCB
The name is quite obvious. It is comprised of materials that can twist in different directions, and flex. It contains layers including multilayer, double and single formats.
It is a little bit costly to print a circuit on the flexible material. The flexible LED PCB Board has more advantages as compared to a rigid LED Printed Circuit Board.
You can move it toward different directions and fold and bend it around different edges. It is really useful for different areas that might be harmful to other LED PCB types.
As the name suggests, it is stiff and totally opposite to the flexible one. The solid material is used for its manufacturing. You can find it on the computer. It is also available in different layers.
Hybrid LED PCB
It includes non-thermal material along with a metal base. It most often consists of the aluminum substrate with the conventional FR4 binding. The Hybrid LED PCB Board dissipates heat in the most efficient manner.
Moreover, it is very strong and less expensive as compared to a rigid aluminum LED Printed Circuit Board. It has no flexibility capability that makes it really difficult to bend.
Multi-Layer LED PCB
This type of LED PCB Board contains more than two layers. Copper plated holes most often interconnect all the layers. It contains 4 to 50 conductive material layers.
A special type of glue connects multiple layers and a special type of insulator is used in between different layers. The insulator protects them from an excessive amount of heat.
They are basically available in different sizes so the smallest having four layers. Moreover, 50 layered LED PCB is also available for complicated electrical applications.
Single-Layer LED Printed Circuit Board
It contains just one layer of the substrate. One side of the single-laver LED PCB contains a metal layer, preferably a good conductor such as copper. They are very simple and easy to design. Therefore, they are available at a very low price.
Benefits of LED PCB
This new emerging technology has numerous benefits. Here are some most predominant advantages of LED PCB board including :
• LED printed circuit boards are extremely cost-effective that will save your good amount.
• They are energy efficient so will save energy as well.
• This technology facilitates customers to create a different custom design.
• The manufacturer can assemble them in a compact size so it is nearly impossible without PCBs.
• Some types reflect LED light that is extremely supportive to achieve the maximum intensity of light.
Different Applications of LED PCB
All aforementioned benefits make this technology one of the best options for numerous applications in different industries.
Here is some most remarkable application of LED PCB that includes:
1. Automotive LED PCB
You will most possibly find automotive LED PCB in the electronic regulators, automotive industry and power regulators. This type provides good quality services and really high durability at an affordable price. It is the most suitable option for automotive because it performs remarkably well in the rigors world of automotive.
Moreover, it offers its functionalities in the engine circuits, display, and numerous other electronic equipment like a stereo system. Most of the time, the metal core LED PCB performs really well in the applications having high-temperature such as headlights.
Here is some important usage of this technology including:
♦ECU/ ECL control modules
♦Transmission sensors
♦Power relay
♦Digital display
♦LED lighting including both internal and external systems
Telecom LED Printed Circuit Board
You will find this type of LED PCBs in the telecom industry for displays and indicators. They are reliable, durable, resistant to noise and have a low weight. They are available for different filter circuits and other high-frequency equipment.
Telecom equipment produces a lot of heat so the most suitable type of LED is the aluminum LED PCB board. The aluminum LED has some other benefits such as low weight and durability.
Medical LED Printed Circuit Board
You can find different Medical LED Printed Circuits Board in different medical equipment such as a scanner. It is available in different equipment of diagnosis, research, and treatment. Different operating rooms contain light-emitting diode printed circuit boards for lighting systems.
The intensity of illumination makes these appliances the best choice for different medical equipment.
Computer LED Printed Circuit Board
The computer is one of the most remarkable applications of LED Printed Circuit Board. During working, computers emit a lot of heat. So to overcome the heat issue, the best heat-sensitive circuit board is an LED PCB board.
You will almost find LED PCBs in all computing devices such as PCs, tablets, smartphones, laptops, and even scanners as well. Different parts of the computers like power devices and CPU boards use aluminum LED printed circuit boards.
You can find other useful applications of LED PCBs in your everyday life. For example, airport runway landing and street lights are LED PCBs.
Solar or photovoltaic lighting, signal and traffic lighting, and lanterns and flashlights also contain LED PCB. Moreover, agricultural researchers use the LED in their fields.
Common Used Material in LED PCB
An engineer designs a different LED Printed Circuit board for a particular application. The designs can specify the coating material of the LED PCB Board and the nature of the circuit board. The core of the circuit board is another most important quality that comes in a variety of material such as:
- FR: 4: it is the most commonly used LED material in which glass and epoxy make a base. It is relatively inefficient in terms of heat transferring.
- Epoxies: It is another common substrate for PCBs. It is comparatively less durable. Epoxy-based circuit boards are not much expensive to manufacture.
- Metal-core: Metal-core light-emitting diode PCBs are very effective for different types of applications and are really good in heat transfer. The base of such PCBs contains metals such as aluminum, copper and laminated. These metals really enhance the insulation and thermal conductivity of the circuit board.
Aluminum LED PCBs
Aluminum alloy is used to build the base of PCBs rather than fiberglass. The alloy usually contains aluminum, magnesium, and silumin. Aluminum PCBs contains the following lavers:
♦ The base Laver: An aluminum alloy sheet forms the base laver of PCBs. The rest of the PCB builds on the base laver. This allov offers maximum electrical insulation and thermal conductivity.
♦ The Thermal Insulation Laver: This is an extremely important layer that consists of a ceramic polymer. This laver protects PCB from thermal or mechanical damage by providing viscoelastic and thermal resistance properties.
♦The Circuit Layer: This layer provides the functioning capability to the circuit board. It contains the copper foil circuits required for the functioning of PCB.
What to Consider before choosing a LED PCB Manufacturer
It is extremely important to choose the best and right LED Printed Circuit Board manufacturer. If you don’t choose an appropriate manufacturer, you will face numerous problems such as the burning of the LED PCB.
You should choose the most trustworthy manufacturer that sells the best quality LED Printed Circuit Board. One of the most prominent LED PCB manufacturers is MOKO technology. There are several reasons to choose this manufacturer:
- MOKO technology doesn’t only provides LED Printed Circuit Board but also considers R&D according to modern technologies.
- It offers top-quality PCB materials.
- An expert team of engineers is readily available for technical support.
- All products are available at a fair price.
- It doesn’t compromise on the quality.