Do you use SMT or THT for USB mini B connector?

This question is about the advisability of continuing to use a USB mini-B right angle surface mount connector in my pcb designs. On occasion we see one of these connectors peel back or delaminate off the pcb. Immediately the question is asked, why didn't you use a through hole connector?

Use SMT.

I have experienced such a problem with the SMT Mini USB B connector in the past. Usually, the solution is to design the enclosure so that it will not allow any movement of the connector against the PCB.

As for the reason why to use SMT, SMT components are cheaper to assemble in large quantities. As a result, through-hole components usually require special approval in most designs targeting mass production.

Read More: Through Hole PCB Assembly

#PCB Design #PCB Assembly

Picture of Oliver Smith

Oliver Smith

Oliver is an experienced electronics engineer skilled in PCB design, analog circuits, embedded systems, and prototyping. His deep knowledge spans schematic capture, firmware coding, simulation, layout, testing, and troubleshooting. Oliver excels at taking projects from concept to mass production using his electrical design talents and mechanical aptitude.
Picture of Oliver Smith

Oliver Smith

Oliver is an experienced electronics engineer skilled in PCB design, analog circuits, embedded systems, and prototyping. His deep knowledge spans schematic capture, firmware coding, simulation, layout, testing, and troubleshooting. Oliver excels at taking projects from concept to mass production using his electrical design talents and mechanical aptitude.

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